UPDATED: February 21, 2025
“Customer” or “User”: A Customer is defined as any individual, company, business partner, third party, or any of their entity that utilizes or requests Relic Card Grading services. All Customers are bound to the terms and conditions outlined in Terms & Conditions “Agreement.” In this agreement, the terms Customer, customer, Customers, customers, user, users, and the like are all synonymous.
The Terms & Conditions (The “Agreement”), as set forth below, Relic Card Grading, LLC may be referred to as Relic Card Grading, Relic, and any other variation thereof. https://www.reliccardgrading.com may be referred to as the “site,” “website,” reliccardgrading.com, or other variations thereof. The Relic Card Grading website (https://www.reliccardgrading.com), and all associated pages, may be referred to as Relic Card Grading, the “site”, the “website,” “reliccardgrading.com,” www.reliccardgrading.com, and variations thereof, may be used synonymously in the Terms & Conditions. Use of https://www.reliccardgrading.com is offered to you (the “customer”) conditioned on your acceptance of all Terms & Conditions outlined in the agreement.
The individual/customer who submits the order to Relic Card Grading will be treated as the sole point of contact for that transaction. By using this site or services provided by Relic Card Grading you represent and warrant that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age, or if you are under eighteen (18) years of age but at least thirteen (13) years of age (a “minor”), that you are using the website with the consent of your parent or legal guardian and that you have received your parent or legal guardian’s permission to use the website and agree to its Terms and Conditions. If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor, you hereby agree to bind the Minor to these Terms and Conditions and to fully indemnify and hold harmless Relic Card Grading if the minor breaches any of these terms. If you are not at least thirteen (13) years of age, you may not use this website at any time or in any manner or submit any information to Relic Card Grading or the website.
1. The Relic Card Grading, LLC.. Terms & Conditions (The “Agreement”), as outlined below, is an agreement between the Relic Card Grading, LLC. and the customer (“user,” “users,” “customers”). The customer agrees and acknowledges they have read the Terms & Conditions set forth in this agreement (outlined below). The customer also agrees to abide by this agreement, and further agrees that Relic Card Grading, LLC. is entitled to refer to, rely on, and benefit from this agreement as set forth below.
2. Relic Card Grading will make a concerted effort to grade items within the estimated time-frame provided. However, Relic Card Grading will, under no circumstances, be liable for damage(s) or losses whether incidental, indirect, or consequential, due to the failure of Relic Card Grading to grade items within any time-frame, estimated or otherwise. All processing times and/or time-frames and/or turnaround-times are estimates and do not include weekends, holidays, or any time the Relic Card Grading office is closed or not operational.
3. Relic Card Grading is currently only accepting fully licensed, commercially produced, authentic, standard sized (2.5 x 3.5 inch) sport, TCG (trading card game), and comic cards, from major card manufacturers, with a maximum thickness of 30pt. By submitting cards customer acknowledges and agrees to these terms and conditions outlined herein. Relic Card Grading LLC, at their sole discretion, may deem an item as a non-licensed reprint, altered, non-licensed, or fake. Any cards submitted that are believed to be non-licensed, reprints, fakes, altered (e.g. trimmed, touched up, etc.), will be returned to the customer as-is and the customer will only be refunded the cost of grading minus any shipping fees, shipping insurance, and any other add-on fees. This includes ACEO cards (Art Cards, Edititions, and Originals).
4. Relic Card Grading owners, employees, and contractors shall be permitted to submit cards for grading. Relic Card Grading owners, employee, and contractors will be allowed to buy, sell, and trade cards graded by Relic Card Grading. Relic Card
5. Relic Card Grading employs traditional card grading techniques that are subjective in nature and grades are based on professional opinion/assessment. Therefore, Relic Card Grading makes no guarantee, warranty, or representation and has no liability to Customer, for grades assigned by Relic Card Grading, for any item. Grading fees, shipping costs, and other processing fees, are non-refundable once an item is received and has been logged. Relic Card Grading reserves the right to adjust, change, or alter grading standards, practices, protocols and methods at any time, for any reason, without prior notification to the customer. Evaluating the authenticity of an item is subjective in nature. Therefore, Relic Card Grading makes no guarantee, warranty, or representation and shall have no liability to customer for the authenticity of any item.
6. Relic Card Grading reserves the right to not provide a grade, label, and/or encapsulate any item that is deemed to be altered, non-licensed
reprint, counterfeit or fake, or any other item that Relic Card Grading deems to be not gradable. Relic Card Grading LLC shall not be liable, under any circumstance, for an item that is believed, in our professional opinion, to be altered, non-licensed, counterfeit or fake, r any other reason that prevents Relic Card Grading from grading an item.
7. Relic Card Grading shall have no liability whatsoever to Customer, or any third party for whom the customer may be acting, for any damage to any item, personal injury, loss, or otherwise, resulting from the breaking open of a Relic Card Grading item including, but not limited to Relic slabs, holders, packaging or for any damage to any item that Relic Card Grading can reasonably demonstrate occurred while the item was not in direct possession or control of Relic Card Grading including, but not limited to, loss or damage to items while being shipped to Relic Card Grading, or while being shipped by Relic Card Grading to Customer by a method selected and paid for by Customer. Customer is responsible for all shipping fees, including shipping insurance.
8. After grading and/or authenticating a submitted item or items, new grading techniques, evaluation methods, authentication methods, and other information may become available that was not available when a grade was assigned or judgement of authenticity was made. Relic Card Grading LLC shall be under no obligation to change the original grade, provide a new judgement of authenticity, or make changes to labels, slabs, or holders for said item(s) unless Customer re-submits the item(s) for grading and/or authentication, which will be deemed a new submission, and customer is responsible for all service fees associated with their new submission.
9. Customer acknowledges Relic Card Grading has set a limit on the “estimated” value of an individual item, submitted by a customer, to $1,000 (USD). By submitting cards to Relic Card Grading for grading and/or authentication, you are stating your item does not have an “estimated” value of more than $1,000 (USD). It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure the “estimated” value of said item does exceed $1,000(USD). Relic Card Grading will make a reasonable effort to ensure submitted items are handled with care. However, in the event Relic Card Grading deems an item was damaged or lost, while in the possession of Relic Card Grading, the Customer will be compensated based on the fair market value of the item. The fair market value will be determined solely at the discretion of Relic Card Grading based on criteria set by Relic Card Grading and dependent on where in the process damage or loss occurred. Estimated fair market values, for items damaged or lost in their raw (ungraded) state, will be valued based on the average of the cards estimated raw (ungraded) value and the estimated value of a Relic grade 10 (not to exceed $1,000). The fair market value of an item damaged post-grading, but still in the possession of Relic Card Grading, will be based on the current fair market value for that card based on the grade assigned by Relic Card Grading. Other factors may apply. Under no circumstance will Relic Card Grading be liable and/or compensate Customer more than $1,000 per item if damage occurs while Relic Card Grading is in possession of said item. We make no guarantees on processing times for claims as the timing may be dictated by our Insurance provider and other factors outside of our control. Relic Card Grading reserves the right to adjust this policy at any time.
10. Relic Card Grading uses USPS (United States Postal Service) priority shipping for all return shipments. The maximum, per-package insurance, based on current USPS policy, is $5,000. The amount of return insurance is left to sole the discretion of the Customer when making their submission. Once an item or items are dropped off and/or picked up by USPS they are deemed out of our (Relic Card Grading) possession and Relic Card Grading is no longer liable for damage, loss, or other issues that may arise.
11. Customer is required to immediately inspect all items received from Relic Card Grading and Relic Card Grading disclaims any liability for discrepancies or errors, including, but not limited to, errors in the description of the item unless reported to Relic Card Grading within three (3) business days of Customer’s receipt of the item(s). Customer agrees to return any incorrectly described item to Relic Card Grading upon request for correction and agrees not to hold Relic Card liable for any additional costs or losses incurred and additional agrees to hold Relic Card Grading not liable for any and all losses and/or claims caused by the circulation or sale of incorrectly described items.
12. Customer agrees all grades, provided by Relic Card Grading, are final and shall not be disputed by any customer.
13. Customer acknowledges that Relic Card slabs/holders are not scratch proof, waterproof, UV resistant, etc. Therefore, the Customer agrees to
exercise care when handling, storing, unpacking, shipping or generally caring for any item graded and/or authenticated by Relic Card Grading.
Customer acknowledges that Relic Card Grading is not responsible for holder, slab, or subsequent card damage while in the possession of Customer or third party of any type.
14. The customer consents to Relic Card Grading sharing their personal information with third-party vendors for the purpose of fulfilling their
orders, including, but not limited to, payment processors, and shipping carriers. The Relic Card Grading website, and sub-sites, may contain
direct links and/or affiliate links to third-party websites, services, content, apps, and advertisements for third parties. We are not responsible for third parties or their third-party services. Customer agrees it is their responsibility to review third party terms, privacy policies, usage agreements, and other legal disclaimers and to exercise caution when dealing with third parties.
15. Customer acknowledges Relic Card Grading reserves the right to not perform any service for any reason. This includes items which Relic Card
Grading, with sole discretion, does not wish to grade and/or authenticate and/or encapsulate, or an item that is is too fragile to safely perform the requested service, or an item that does not meet certain standards (e.g. size and thickness), or any other reason.
16. If any items are being submitted for or on behalf a third party, customer represents and warrants that said third party has read, agreed
to, and accepted this Agreement and has signed a duplicate copy hereof. customer agrees to provide that third party signed copy to Relic Card
grading at any time upon its request.
17. Relic Card Grading LLC is not responsible for damage incurred to any item or items arriving in graded card slabs/holders, cases, top-loaders, or other protective coverings that are damaged, altered, tampered with, or otherwise defective in any way regardless of whether or not the customer knew the item or item was damaged, altered, tampered with, or otherwise defective in any way prior to shipping. Relic Card Grading will only re-slab/re-encapsulate official Relic Card Grading graded card slabs (extra fees may apply). Customer must contact Relic Card Grading LLC. prior to sending in items for re-slabbing/re-encapsulation.
18. All orders, submitted by the customer to Relic Card Grading, either in person or on the Relic Card Grading website, must be received within 60 business days of order submission/payment. Orders not received within 60 business days of order submission/payment will be forfeit. The customer agrees that all grading fees, return shipping costs (including shipping insurance), will be deemed non-refundable if the order/shipment is not received within said timeframe. In addition, the customer acknowledges and agrees that card grading services will not be rendered on orders (“cards”) that have not been received within 90 days of submission/payment on the reliccardgrading.com.
19. The customer acknowledges that Relic Card Grading reserves the right to adjust and/or change pricing, shipping fees, insurance fees, and
other customer related fees at any time. Furthermore, the customer agrees that Relic Card Grading may add and/or remove service offerings at any time.
20. Customer agrees not to knowingly submit any forged, counterfeit, non-authorized reprints, or otherwise non-genuine items to Relic Card Grading for any services.
21. Relic Card Grading may take photos, scans, or other images of customer cards upon submission in either their raw state and/or post-grading. The customer agrees card images may be used on Relic Card Grading for any purpose including but not limited to advertisement, promotion, Relic Validation Library entry, etc. The customer further agrees that Relic Card Grading, at its sole discretion, may use any customer card images on any social media sites, for any purpose. Social media sites include, but are not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
22. Customer agrees that all items shipped to Relic Card Grading, LLC., for grading services, shall have “signature upon deliver” added to the shipment/parcel regardless of the carrier selected by the customer. As stated, Relic Card Grading does not assume or have any liability for loss or damage of any item when its not in the direct possession of Relic Card Grading. The customer understands that Relic Card Grading will not be held responsible or liable for any damage to items received for which signature upon deliver was not added and/or parcels not signed for by a representative of Relic Card Grading, LLC.
23. User understands Relic Card Grading uses a variety of advertising (e.g. Google AdSense) and affiliate networks (e.g. Amazon Associates) to earn additional revenue on our site. By using this site you agree that Relic Card Grading is not own or operate these third-party affiliate and/or advertising networks and therefore can not be held liable for any transactions, or issues users may run into when they exit www.reliccardgrading.com via any link that may send the user to a third party (e.g. Amazon.com, eBay.com, etc.).
24. The user understands and agrees Relic Card Grading may, on occasion, insert card(s) into penny sleeves, and encapsulate the card(s) in the sleeve(s), to minimize card movement in graded card cases/slabs.
25. The Relic Card Grading scale is intended as a general guidance tool for collectors; however, the grade a card receives may be influenced by additional factors not included not outlined on this site (www.RelicCardGrading.com). This includes differences in card production techniques, production years, card types, and more. Each card brand, type, and production year may have standard deviations that may need to be considered during the card-grading process, potentially affecting a card’s final grade.
These factors include but are not limited to, variations in average production centering, common print flaws or deviations, and other printing or production nuances. Relic Card Grading continuously implements new processes and technology to minimize subjectivity in card grading; however, subjectivity is inherent whenever a visual evaluation is conducted. Therefore, all grades provided by Relic Card Grading should be considered a general quality assessment. All grades are final.
*The Relic Card Grading scale provided is provided for general public guidance only and is not a guarantee. As outlined above, many factors are considered when providing a card with a final grade and deviations to the grading scale may occur.
Customer acknowledges that they have read the above Relic Card Grading Terms and conditions and agrees to abide by this agreement. Customer also acknowledges that this agreement may be updated at any time. If you have questions regarding our Terms and Conditions, please feel free to contact us directly.
[email protected]